Quake 2 Configuration Script ============================ Version: Release 1 Date: December 23, 1997 Author: JakFrost Site: http://www.planetquake.com/scripts Introduction ------------ This is the introduction to my Quake 2 Configuration Script which I use everyday to kick some marine butt. This is just script made up of key bindings, a couple of aliases, and some personal settings. It is quite simple in design and look, but it is very powerful in use and my frag count is the proof of that. Now a little about my setup. I play using the Microsoft Natural Keyboard and a Logitech Trackball Marble. I have my left hand on the left-side home position 'ASDF' on the keyboard, and my right hand on the trackball. This is the most comfortable hand placement since your body retains a straight posture. With this configuration script I have total control of all important aspects of the game. The setup is designed in a very ergonomic way so that all the necessary things are available at my finger tips. I am able to access everything that I need in the game with the movement of my fingers, and because of this, all the stress associated with the movement of the wrist is eliminated. Basically, my left-hand handles movement of the character, weapon selection, and item use. My right-hand handles character orientation or looking in other words, and weapon firing. This setup if quite convenient and very comfortable. Also, I would like to mention that even though this setup might be comfortable to me, it might not be to others. I like my setup and I'm very happy with it, I recommend that other people try my setup, because they just might like it. It's cool, logical, simple, fast, and most of all comfortable. I have also tried to stick with the original key setup that came preloaded with Quake 2 as much as I could. Because of this, it should be relitivelly simple to remember what all the keys do if you already have a setup yourself. Installation ------------ The installation for this script is quite simple. All you have to do is unzip the archive in which the script files came from into the 'quake/baseq2' directory. Then all you have to do is create the 'autoexec.cfg' file in the 'quake/baseq2' directory, and put in the line 'exec jf_q2rc.rc' into the file. Key Setup --------- Below are the descriptions of all the keys for this script. The setup is divided into logical groups of keys and should be pretty straight forward. The key groups and keys within each group are arranged to the order in which they appear on my keyboard, from left to right, top to bottom. Special Keys: ESCAPE - Main Menu PAUSE - Pause ' - Console - - Decrease Screen Size = - Increases Screen Size TAB - Help and Scores Screen Function Keys: F1 - Help and Scores Screen F2 - Savegame Menu F3 - Loadgame Menu F4 - Key Setup Menu F5 - Multiplayer Menu F6 - Quick Save F7 - Player Configuration Menu F8 - Address Book Menu F9 - Quick Load F10 - Quit Game F11 - Credits Menu F12 - Screen Shot Weapon Keys: 1 - Blaster 2 - Shotgun 3 - Super Shotgun 4 - Machinegun 5 - Chaingun 6 - Grenade Launcher 7 - Rocket Launcher 8 - HyperBlaster 9 - Railgun 0 - BFG10K Movement Keys: E - Move Forward S - Strafe Left D - Move Back F - Strafe Right ALT - Crouch or Move Down SPACE - Jump or Move Up Quick Keys: Q - Rocket Launcher W - HyperBlaster R - Railgun T - BFG10K A - Grenades G - Rocket Jump Z - Environment Suit X - Rebreather C - Silencer V - Invulnerability B - Quad Damage SHIFT - Momentary Walk CTRL - Sniper Zoom Inventory Keys: [ - Inventory Left ] - Inventory Right \ - Inventory Screen ' - Drop Item ENTER - Use Item Wave Keys: H - Flipoff J - Salute K - Taunt L - Wave ; - Point Message Keys: N - General Message M - Team Message Mouse Buttons: Left - Fire Weapon Middle - Quick Weapon Right - *Unused Aliases ------- There are four aliases in my script which I find most useful when playing. These aliases have saved my butt many times during the game, and allowed me to come on top while playing. Use them when you can, they are really cool. All Cheats - This alias is just an alias that I use during single player missions when I wish to test something out, like a new script, or a net strategy. It saves me the time of typing in individual commands, and allows me to get god mode, all the goodies including weapons, ammo, and items, and also turn on unlimited ammo. Quick Weapon - This alias will go though all the weapons and select the most powerful weapon which I have. This is quite useful when you are running around a level, you just ran out of ammo and need to switch to another weapon but are unsure of what you have. The order in which this alias will choose a weapon this: Blaster, Grenades, Shotgun, Super Shotgun, Grenade Launcher, Machinegun, Chaingun, Rocket Launcher, HyperBlaster, Railgun, and BFG10K. Rocket Jump - This is the one alias that should be in all the scripts. Eventhough I sometimes prefer to do my rocket jumps manually, when I need height I use this alias. It's very simple to use, pre-select the Rocket Launcher, press the key, wait until you are up in the air, and then release the key. The reason why you have to hold down the key is that this makes sure that the alias works even under the most lagged playing conditions. Zoom - This alias is quite simple. When you press and hold the zoom key the alias will zoom in the view onto your target. When you are zoomed in the alias will increase the mouse precision so you can aim better. After you are done sniping your target, release the key and you will be returned to the normal view and have your mouse precision back to normal. Settings -------- Below is a list of settings which I use. They setup my game to the way I like it. Personal: set hostname "JakFrost's Fridge" - Sets up the name of the server if I ever wanted to start one up myself. set msg 1 - Sets up so that death messages show up on my screen. set name JakFrost - Sets up my name. set rate 2500 - Sets the maximum amount of data that the servers sends me in bytes per second. set skin male/howitzer - Sets my favorite skin. Other: set cl_pitchspeed 100000 - Sets up the speed at which the keyboard keys look up and down. This is only necessary for the Rocket Jump alias since there are no keyboard looking keys bound. set cl_run 1 - Enables always-run mode. set crosshair 1 - Enables the X crosshair. set freelook 1 - Enables mouse looking up and down, same as +mlook in Quake. set g_select_empty 0 - Disables switching to weapons which don't have ammo. set hand 0 - Sets my weapons to be on the right hand side. set m_filter 0 - Disables mouse input filtering. set m_pitch -0.022 - Inverts the mouse Y-axis to act like a joystick in a flight simulator. set sensitivity 17 - Sets my mouse sensitivity value. set skill 2 - Sets my skill difficulty to hard. EOF